OpenMPCD::TypeTraits< T > Struct Template Reference

Contains information on certain types. More...

#include <TypeTraits.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct OpenMPCD::TypeTraits< T >

Contains information on certain types.

The following types are defined:

Name Meaning
RealType If T is a floating-point type, this is T. If T is of the form std::complex<U> for some floating-point type U, this is U.
isStandardFloatingPoint Whether T is a floating-point type, as defined in the C++ standard (i.e. float, double, or long double).
isComplex If T is of the form std::complex<U> for some type U, this is true, else false.
Template Parameters
TThe type in question.

Definition at line 46 of file TypeTraits.hpp.

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