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OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile Class Reference

Representation of a simulation snapshot file in the VTF format. More...

#include <VTFSnapshotFile.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile:
Collaboration graph


struct  AtomProperties
 Collection of properties of atoms. More...

Public Member Functions

 VTFSnapshotFile (const std::string &path_)
 The constructor. More...
virtual ~VTFSnapshotFile ()
 The destructor. More...
bool isInWriteMode () const
 Returns whether the instance is in write mode. More...
bool isInReadMode () const
 Returns whether the instance is in read mode. More...
bool structureBlockHasBeenProcessed () const
 Returns whether the structure block has been processed already. More...
void setPrimarySimulationVolumeSize (const FP &x, const FP &y, const FP &z)
 Sets the size of the primary simulation volume. More...
bool primarySimulationVolumeSizeIsSet () const
 Returns whether the size of the primary simulation volume is set. More...
const Vector3D< FP > & getPrimarySimulationVolumeSize () const
 Returns the size of the primary simulation volume. More...
const std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > declareAtoms (const std::size_t count)
 Declares a number of atoms. More...
const std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > declareAtoms (const std::size_t count, const FP radius, const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
 Declares a number of atoms of the same kind. More...
std::size_t getNumberOfAtoms () const
 Returns the number of atoms that have been declared. More...
bool isValidAtomID (const std::size_t atomID) const
 Returns whether the given number is a valid atom ID, i.e. More...
const AtomPropertiesgetAtomProperties (const std::size_t atomID) const
 Returns the properties of the given atomID. More...
void declareBond (std::size_t atom1, std::size_t atom2)
 Declares a bond between the two given atoms. More...
const std::set< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > > & getBonds () const
 Returns the set of bonds between atoms. More...
bool hasBond (std::size_t atom1, std::size_t atom2) const
 Returns whether the two given atoms share a bond. More...
void writeTimestepBlock (const FP *const positions, const FP *const velocities=NULL)
 Starts a new timestep block, and writes the atom coordinates given. More...
bool readTimestepBlock (FP *const positions, FP *const velocities=NULL, bool *const velocitiesEncountered=NULL)
 Reads the next timestep block. More...

Detailed Description

Representation of a simulation snapshot file in the VTF format.

The VTF format is documented at the following URL:

A snapshot file can be opened either in write mode or in read mode. The instance is in read mode if it is passed a path to an existing file, and in write mode otherwise. In read mode, the snapshot cannot be changed (trying to do that results in an instance of OpenMPCD::InvalidCallException being thrown). In write mode, one cannot read data that does not belong to the structure block.

A VTF file starts with up to one structure block, followed by an arbitrary number of timestep blocks. After data that does not belong to the structure block has been supplied, structure block information cannot be changed anymore; any attempts to do so result in an instance of OpenMPCD::InvalidCallException being thrown.

It is not guaranteed that data will be written to the snapshot file immediately. Writes may be cached until the object is destroyed.

Definition at line 49 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VTFSnapshotFile()

VTFSnapshotFile::VTFSnapshotFile ( const std::string &  path_)

The constructor.

The path_ given will be used to open the snapshot file. If the file does not exist, it will be created, and the instance is in write mode. Otherwise, the instance is in read mode.

OpenMPCD::IOExceptionThrows if the file could not be opened or created.
OpenMPCD::MalformedFileExceptionIn read mode, throws if the VTF file is malformed.
[in]path_The path to the snapshot file.

Definition at line 19 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ ~VTFSnapshotFile()

VTFSnapshotFile::~VTFSnapshotFile ( )

The destructor.

Definition at line 59 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ declareAtoms() [1/2]

const std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > VTFSnapshotFile::declareAtoms ( const std::size_t  count)

Declares a number of atoms.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the instance is not in write mode.
OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the structure block has already been written.
[in]countThe number of atoms to declare; if it is 0, nothing happens.
Returns the ID of the first declared atom as the first value, and the ID of the last declared atom as the second value. If count == 0, the pair {0, 0} is returned.

Definition at line 79 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ declareAtoms() [2/2]

const std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > VTFSnapshotFile::declareAtoms ( const std::size_t  count,
const FP  radius,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  type 

Declares a number of atoms of the same kind.

OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentExceptionThrows if the arguments violate the conditions outlined.
[in]countThe number of atoms to declare; if it is 0, nothing happens.
[in]radiusThe radius of the atoms, which must be greater than or equal to 0, or -1 for default.
[in]nameThe name of the atoms, as a string without whitespace and of length greater than 0 but less than or equal to 16, or empty for default.
[in]typeThe type of the atoms, as a string without whitespace and of length greater than 0 but less than or equal to 16, or empty for default.
Returns the ID of the first declared atom as the first value, and the ID of the last declared atom as the second value. If count == 0, the pair {0, 0} is returned.

Definition at line 98 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ declareBond()

void VTFSnapshotFile::declareBond ( std::size_t  atom1,
std::size_t  atom2 

Declares a bond between the two given atoms.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the instance is not in write mode.
OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the structure block has already been written.
OpenMPCD::OutOfBoundsExceptionThrows if !isValidAtomID(atom1) or !isValidAtomID(atom2).
OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentExceptionThrows if atom1 == atom2.
OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentExceptionThrows if a bond between those atoms exists already.
[in]atom1The ID of the first atom.
[in]atom2The ID of the second atom.

Definition at line 152 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ getAtomProperties()

const VTFSnapshotFile::AtomProperties & VTFSnapshotFile::getAtomProperties ( const std::size_t  atomID) const

Returns the properties of the given atomID.

OpenMPCD::OutOfBoundsExceptionThrows if !isValidAtomID(atomID).
[in]atomIDThe ID of the atom in question.

Definition at line 138 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ getBonds()

const std::set<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> >& OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::getBonds ( ) const

Returns the set of bonds between atoms.

Each entry bond of the returned value denotes a bond between the atoms with the IDs bond.first and bond.second, where bond.first < bond.second.

Definition at line 255 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ getNumberOfAtoms()

std::size_t OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::getNumberOfAtoms ( ) const

Returns the number of atoms that have been declared.

Definition at line 200 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ getPrimarySimulationVolumeSize()

const Vector3D<FP>& OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::getPrimarySimulationVolumeSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the primary simulation volume.

The returned vector holds the Cartesian coordinates.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if !primarySimulationVolumeSizeIsSet().

Definition at line 146 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ hasBond()

bool VTFSnapshotFile::hasBond ( std::size_t  atom1,
std::size_t  atom2 
) const

Returns whether the two given atoms share a bond.

The order of the arguments does not influence the returned value.

OpenMPCD::OutOfBoundsExceptionThrows if !isValidAtomID(atom1) or !isValidAtomID(atom2).
OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentExceptionThrows if atom1 == atom2.
[in]atom1The ID of the first atom.
[in]atom2The ID of the second atom.

Definition at line 174 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ isInReadMode()

bool OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::isInReadMode ( ) const

Returns whether the instance is in read mode.

Definition at line 96 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ isInWriteMode()

bool OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::isInWriteMode ( ) const

Returns whether the instance is in write mode.

Definition at line 88 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ isValidAtomID()

bool OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::isValidAtomID ( const std::size_t  atomID) const

Returns whether the given number is a valid atom ID, i.e.

whether atomID < getNumberOfAtoms().

[in]atomIDThe atom ID to check.

Definition at line 214 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ primarySimulationVolumeSizeIsSet()

bool OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::primarySimulationVolumeSizeIsSet ( ) const

Returns whether the size of the primary simulation volume is set.

Definition at line 133 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ readTimestepBlock()

bool VTFSnapshotFile::readTimestepBlock ( FP *const  positions,
FP *const  velocities = NULL,
bool *const  velocitiesEncountered = NULL 

Reads the next timestep block.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the instance is not in read mode.
OpenMPCD::UnimplementedExceptionThrows if the timestep block is not in ordered format.
OpenMPCD::MalformedFileExceptionThrows if in the timestep block read, some atoms contain velocity information, while others do not.
OpenMPCD::MalformedFileExceptionThrows if the timestep block is malformed or contains fewer atoms than getNumberOfAtoms().
[out]positionsAn array capable of holding the positions of holding 3*getNumberOfAtoms() elements, or nullptr if the positions are not desired. If not nullptr, the array will be populated in the following format: First, there are the x, y, and z coordinates of atom 0, in that order; then, the coordinates of atom 1 follow, etc.
[out]velocitiesAn array capable of holding the velocities of holding 3*getNumberOfAtoms() elements, or nullptr if the velocities are not desired. If not nullptr, the array will be populated in the following format: First, there are the x, y, and z velocities of atom 0, in that order; then, the coordinates of atom 1 follow, etc. If no velocities are stored in the snapshot file, the given buffer's contents are left unchanged.
[out]velocitiesEncounteredIf not nullptr, stores whether the timestep block read contained velocity information.
Returns true if a complete timestep block has been read.

Definition at line 220 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ setPrimarySimulationVolumeSize()

void VTFSnapshotFile::setPrimarySimulationVolumeSize ( const FP x,
const FP y,
const FP z 

Sets the size of the primary simulation volume.

This information is part of the structure block.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the instance is not in write mode.
OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the structure block has already been written.
[in]xThe size along the Cartesian x axis.
[in]yThe size along the Cartesian y axis.
[in]zThe size along the Cartesian z axis.

Definition at line 65 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

◆ structureBlockHasBeenProcessed()

bool OpenMPCD::VTFSnapshotFile::structureBlockHasBeenProcessed ( ) const

Returns whether the structure block has been processed already.

The structure block is read immediately when opening a file in read mode, and written when calling writeTimestepBlock for the first time, or destroying an instance in write mode.

Definition at line 108 of file VTFSnapshotFile.hpp.

◆ writeTimestepBlock()

void VTFSnapshotFile::writeTimestepBlock ( const FP *const  positions,
const FP *const  velocities = NULL 

Starts a new timestep block, and writes the atom coordinates given.

Calling this function will trigger writing of the structure block.

OpenMPCD::InvalidCallExceptionThrows if the instance is not in write mode.
OpenMPCD::NULLPointerExceptionThrows if positions is nullptr.
[in]positionsAn array holding the positions of the getNumberOfAtoms() atoms, in the following format: First, there are the x, y, and z coordinates of atom 0, in that order; then, the coordinates of atom 1 follow, etc.
[in]velocitiesAn array holding the velocities of the getNumberOfAtoms() atoms, in the following format: First, there are the x, y, and z velocities of atom 0, in that order; then, the velocities of atom 1 follow, etc. If nullptr is passed, no velocities are written to the snapshot file.

Definition at line 190 of file VTFSnapshotFile.cpp.

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