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OpenMPCD::Implementation_Vector2D::Dot< T, typename > Class Template Reference

Helper class to allow partial template specialization of OpenMPCD::Vector2D::dot. More...

#include <Vector2D_Implementation1.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static const OPENMPCD_CUDA_HOST_AND_DEVICEdot (const Vector2D< T > &lhs, const Vector2D< T > &rhs)
 Returns the scalar product two vectors. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename = void>
class OpenMPCD::Implementation_Vector2D::Dot< T, typename >

Helper class to allow partial template specialization of OpenMPCD::Vector2D::dot.

Template Parameters
TThe underlying scalar type.

Definition at line 28 of file Vector2D_Implementation1.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ dot()

template<typename T , typename = void>
static const OPENMPCD_CUDA_HOST_AND_DEVICE T OpenMPCD::Implementation_Vector2D::Dot< T, typename >::dot ( const Vector2D< T > &  lhs,
const Vector2D< T > &  rhs 

Returns the scalar product two vectors.

The scalar product is defined such that the left-hand-side's components are complex-conjugated prior to multiplication with the right-hand-side's components.

[in]lhsThe left-hand-side.
[in]rhsThe right-hand-side.

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