Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file
3  * Defines the
4  * `OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Instrumentation::LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement`
5  * class.
6  */
14 #include <OpenMPCD/Types.hpp>
16 #include <ostream>
17 #include <vector>
19 namespace OpenMPCD
20 {
21 namespace CUDA
22 {
23 namespace MPCFluid
24 {
26 class Base;
28 namespace Instrumentation
29 {
31 /**
32  * Measures the mean square displacement of logical entities in an MPC fluid.
33  *
34  * This class can only be used if
35  * `OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Base::numberOfParticlesPerLogicalEntityIsConstant`
36  * is true.
37  *
38  * Let \f$ \vec{R}_i \f$ be the center of mass for the logical entity \f$ i \f$,
39  * with \f$ i \in \left[0, N_L - 1 \right]\f$, where \f$ N_L \f$ is the return
40  * value of `OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Base::getNumberOfLogicalEntities`.
41  *
42  * Then, this class samples, for configurable times \f$ \Delta t \f$,
43  * the quantity
44  * \f[
45  * C \left( t, t + \Delta t \right)
46  * =
47  * \frac{1}{N_L}
48  * \sum_{i=1}^{N_L}
49  * \left(
50  * \vec{R}_i \left( t + \Delta t \right)
51  * -
52  * \vec{R}_i \left( t \right)
53  * \right)^2
54  * \f]
55  *
56  * In order to avoid floating-point arithmetic in specifying times, and in order
57  * to decouple this class from the `CUDA::Simulation` class, time is measured
58  * in this class as the number of times `measure` has completed, not counting
59  * those calls that have no effect because of the `measureEveryNthSweep`
60  * configuration option (see below).
61  * As an example, take `measureEveryNthSweep` to be `3`. Then, the first
62  * execution of `measure` will perform a measurement, and that point in
63  * simulation time will be referred to as `measurement time 0`. The next two
64  * calls to `measure` will again have no effect, while the following (i.e. the
65  * fourth) call will be at `measurement time 1`. The fifth and sixth calls
66  * will again have no effect, and so forth.
67  *
68  * This class is configured via the
69  * `instrumentation.logicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement`
70  * configuration group. Within that group, `measureEveryNthSweep` defines
71  * \f$ \tau \f$, and `measurementArgumentCount` defines \f$ N_A \f$; given
72  * those, the mean square displacement is measured at (simulation) times
73  * \f[
74  * \Delta t \in
75  * \left\{
76  * \tau \Delta T, 2 \tau \Delta T, \ldots, N_A \tau \Delta T
77  * \right\}
78  * \f]
79  * where \f$ \Delta T \f$ is the simulation time between consecutive sweeps.
80  * Consequently, in `measurement time`,
81  * \f$ \Delta t \in \left\{ 1, 2, \ldots, N_A \right\} \f$.
82  *
83  * For analysis of the produced results, see
84  * `MPCDAnalysis.LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement`.
85  */
87 {
88 public:
89  /**
90  * The constructor.
91  *
92  * @throw OpenMPCD::NULLPointerException
93  * If `OPENMPCD_DEBUG` is defined, throws if `mpcFluid_ == nullptr`.
94  * @throw OpenMPCD::InvalidConfigurationException
95  * Throws if
96  * `!isValidConfiguration(
97  * configuration.getSetting(
98  * "instrumentation.logicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement"))`.
99  * @throw OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentException
100  * If `OPENMPCD_DEBUG` is defined, throws if
101  * `!mpcFluid_->numberOfParticlesPerLogicalEntityIsConstant()`.
102  *
103  * @param[in] configuration
104  * The simulation configuration.
105  * @param[in] mpcFluid_
106  * The fluid to measure. Must not be `nullptr`, and it must
107  * return `true` when its
108  * `numberOfParticlesPerLogicalEntityIsConstant` member is
109  * called.
110  */
112  const OpenMPCD::Configuration& configuration,
113  const OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Base* const mpcFluid_);
115 private:
118  ///< The copy constructor.
120 public:
121  /**
122  * The destructor.
123  */
126 public:
127  /**
128  * Returns whether the an attempt has been made to configure this class,
129  * i.e. whether the `instrumentation.logicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement`
130  * configuration group exists.
131  *
132  * @param[in] config
133  * The configuration to query.
134  */
135  static bool isConfigured(const Configuration& config);
137  /**
138  * Returns whether the given configuration group is a valid configuration.
139  *
140  * For a configuration group to be valid, it must
141  * - contain the key `measureEveryNthSweep`, which must be a positive
142  * integer
143  * - contain the key `measurementArgumentCount`, which must be a
144  * positive integer.
145  *
146  * @param[in] group
147  * The configuration group to query.
148  */
149  static bool isValidConfiguration(const Configuration::Setting& group);
152 public:
153  /**
154  * Takes measurement data.
155  *
156  * This function is to be called by the `OpenMPCD::CUDA::Simulation` instance
157  * after every sweep.
158  */
159  void measure();
161  /**
162  * Returns, in units of `measurement time`, the maximum measurement time
163  * that is configured to be measured, i.e. \f$ N_A \f$.
164  */
165  unsigned int getMaximumMeasurementTime() const;
167  /**
168  * Returns `1` plus the maximum number `t` may take in
169  * `getMeanSquareDisplacement`.
170  */
171  unsigned int getMeasurementCount() const;
173  /**
174  * Returns the measured mean square displacement
175  * \f$ C \left( t, t + \Delta t \right) \f$ between measurement times
176  * \f$ t \f$ and \f$ T \f$.
177  *
178  * @note
179  * The times are given in units of the `measurement time`, which is
180  * described in the documentation of this class.
181  *
182  * @throw OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentException
183  * If `OPENMPCD_DEBUG` is defined, throws if
184  * `t >= getMeasurementCount()`.
185  * @throw OpenMPCD::InvalidArgumentException
186  * If `OPENMPCD_DEBUG` is defined, throws if
187  * `T >= getMeasurementCount()` or `T <= t` or
188  * `T - t > getMaximumMeasurementTime()`.
189  *
190  * @param[in] t
191  * The first measurement time \f$ t \f$. This value must be
192  * smaller than `getMeasurementCount()`.
193  * @param[in] T
194  * The second measurement time \f$ T \f$. This value must be
195  * smaller than `getMeasurementCount()` and larger than `t`.
196  * Also, `T - t` must not be larger than
197  * `getMaximumMeasurementTime()`.
198  */
200  const unsigned int t,
201  const unsigned int T) const;
203  /**
204  * Saves the result to the given stream.
205  *
206  * For each value `t` in the range `[0, getMeasurementCount())`, and for
207  * each value `T` in the range `[t + 1, t + getMaximumMeasurementTime()]`
208  * (except for those where `T >= getMeasurementCount()`),
209  * a line will be written to the output stream, with the following fields,
210  * separated by tab characters:
211  * First, the current value of `t`, followed by the value of `T - t`,
212  * followed by the value of `getMeanSquareDisplacement(t, T)`.
213  *
214  * The numeric values will be written with precision
215  * <c>std::numeric_limits<OpenMPCD::FP>::digits10 + 2</c>.
216  *
217  * @param[out] stream
218  * The stream to write to.
219  */
220  void save(std::ostream& stream);
222  /**
223  * Saves the result to the given run directory.
224  *
225  * The file within the given directory will be named
226  * ``, and will be created if it
227  * does not exist, or truncated if it does. Parent directories will be
228  * created as needed.
229  * The file's contents will correspond to the output of
230  * `save(std::ostream&)`.
231  *
232  * @param[in] rundir
233  * Path to the directory, into which the result file will be
234  * written.
235  */
236  void save(const std::string& rundir);
238 private:
239  const LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement& operator=(
241  ///< The assignment operator.
243 private:
244  const OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Base* const mpcFluid;
245  ///< The fluid measured.
247  unsigned int measureEveryNthSweep;
248  ///< Specifies the snapshot interval.
249  unsigned int measurementArgumentCount;
250  ///< Specifies the snapshot count.
253  unsigned int sweepsSinceLastMeasurement;
254  ///< Counts the sweeps since the last measurement.
256  std::vector<MPCParticlePositionType*> snapshots;
257  ///< The stored center of mass position snapshots.
259  std::vector<std::vector<MPCParticlePositionType> >
260  meanSquareDisplacements;
261  /**< The measured mean square displacements. The first index specifies
262  the later measurement time, and the second index the difference
263  between later and prior measurement time.*/
266  ///< A buffer on the Device, used to store centers of mass.
268 }; //class LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement
269 } //namespace Instrumentation
270 } //namespace MPCFluid
271 } //namespace CUDA
272 } //namespace OpenMPCD
LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement(const OpenMPCD::Configuration &configuration, const OpenMPCD::CUDA::MPCFluid::Base *const mpcFluid_)
The constructor.
Base class for MPC fluids.
Definition: CUDA/MPCFluid/Base.hpp:40
Represents the configuration of the simulation.
Definition: Configuration.hpp:28
FP MPCParticlePositionType
The data type for the positions of MPC particles.
Definition: Types.hpp:15
static bool isConfigured(const Configuration &config)
Returns whether the an attempt has been made to configure this class, i.e.
void measure()
Takes measurement data.
unsigned int getMaximumMeasurementTime() const
Returns, in units of measurement time, the maximum measurement time that is configured to be measured...
The destructor.
OpenMPCD::CUDA::DeviceBuffer< MPCParticlePositionType >
unsigned int getMeasurementCount() const
Returns 1 plus the maximum number t may take in getMeanSquareDisplacement.
static bool isValidConfiguration(const Configuration::Setting &group)
Returns whether the given configuration group is a valid configuration.
Represents a setting in the configuration.
Definition: Configuration.hpp:36
Measures the mean square displacement of logical entities in an MPC fluid.
Definition: LogicalEntityMeanSquareDisplacement.hpp:86
MPCParticlePositionType getMeanSquareDisplacement(const unsigned int t, const unsigned int T) const
Returns the measured mean square displacement between measurement times and .
void save(std::ostream &stream)
Saves the result to the given stream.