Namespaces | Functions
VelocityVerlet.hpp File Reference
#include <OpenMPCD/RemotelyStoredVector.hpp>
#include <OpenMPCD/Types.hpp>
#include <OpenMPCD/Vector3D.hpp>
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 Namespace for simulations using CUDA.
 Contains CUDA Device code.


__device__ MPCParticlePositionType OpenMPCD::CUDA::DeviceCode::velocityVerletStep1 (const MPCParticlePositionType position, const MPCParticleVelocityType velocity, const FP acceleration, const FP timestep)
 Performs the first step in the velocity-Verlet algorithm. More...
__device__ MPCParticleVelocityType OpenMPCD::CUDA::DeviceCode::velocityVerletStep2 (const MPCParticleVelocityType velocity, const FP oldAcceleration, const FP newAcceleration, const FP timestep)
 Performs the second step in the velocity-Verlet algorithm. More...
__device__ void OpenMPCD::CUDA::DeviceCode::velocityVerletStep1 (RemotelyStoredVector< MPCParticlePositionType > *const position, const RemotelyStoredVector< MPCParticleVelocityType > velocity, const Vector3D< FP > acceleration, const FP timestep)
 Performs the first step in the velocity-Verlet algorithm. More...
__device__ void OpenMPCD::CUDA::DeviceCode::velocityVerletStep2 (RemotelyStoredVector< MPCParticleVelocityType > *const velocity, const Vector3D< FP > oldAcceleration, const Vector3D< FP > newAcceleration, const FP timestep)
 Performs the second step in the velocity-Verlet algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

Defines CUDA device code for velocity-Verlet integration.

Definition in file VelocityVerlet.hpp.